March 12, 2009

Laughing Out Loud

I'm getting more and more the feeling that I'm just not that good at this movies thing. I seem to hate most of the movies everybody loves. In order to reassure myself about not being an obnoxious movie grump, I will now suggest you from time to time movies I have actually liked. The first one that comes to mind is The Darjeeling Limited. It's a Wes Anderson movie starring Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman as brothers. I actually like Adrien Brody a lot, and he acts as an asshole in this movie, as always. It is kind of haunting watching this movie while having in mind that, at the time it went out in theaters, Owen Wilson had tried to kill himself. Anyway, it's a really beautiful road-trip like movie. The story takes place in India. If you're into low-key humor, you should try it out.


  1. do you not like Disney films? i think EVERYONE can agree on Disney films.

  2. On s'en fout que les autres l'aie aimé ou pas. Tsé, parfois c'est un phénomène de masse: tout le monde dit que c'est bon alors tout le monde trouve ca "bon". Tu es juste critique et tes gouts sont différents :)

  3. alex: i do :)

    val: haha merci val!! :)
