March 04, 2009

Ghetto Love

I have finally brought myself to listen to Spinnerette. I like the Distillers so much that at first I was like, "Brody, why do you have to chaaaaaange??" Apparently, she has something new to say, and this something is poppier. But it still has Brody Dalle's edge. (Brody Dalle was the Distillers' lead singer.) Oh well, I'm all for that: I never have enough of edgy pop. The title of the post is the name of one of Spinnerette's songs. Check out the video on YouTube: it is pretty hot, and Brody is looking good without her crazy hair. There is only an EP out for the moment, but I'll be waiting for the album.


  1. Heeey! I just wanna know how's ur trip going??? Do you actually get the time to study? xD C'est bien Barcelone en famille?

  2. hey mec!! ça va :) pas vraiment de temps pour étudier, mais on se débrouille! puis c'est très nice barcelona en famille! j'espère que tout va pour toi comme tu le désires... le plus possible!

    à bientôt xxx
