March 13, 2009


I once said I would sometimes talk about books I had read, and I never got around to doing it again. Today I suggest you a more classic book: To Kill a Mockingbird. Before reading it, I knew it was about the trial of a black man accused of raping a white woman, but I didn't know anything else. I was really disappointed when I started reading the book, because it seemed as if the narrator kept talking about things that had absolutely nothing to do with the trial. The trial actually comes very late in the book, but once you're there, it's fantastic. Atticus Finch, the narrator's father, will surely become your hero. He is the accused man's lawyer, and he is a man with really strong morals. This is one literary character you do not want to miss on.

And while we are on the subject of books, I wanted to tell you that I got the translation of the title of Milan Kundera's book right: it really is Laughable Loves. So, Alex, you can now go get it. And you can now be conceited all over again: I gave you a shout-out on a post!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Alex shout-out! I am the coolest :)
    Also, you were in my show about an hour ago. It was peculiar. I may write a blog about it, but probably later.
