March 08, 2009

I'm Set Free

Let's set the record straight. Which TV series do I actually listen to these days? I used to watch a lot more TV series. This year I have given up on "Prison Break", "House", "Grey's Anatomy" and "One Tree Hill". Seasons 1 and 2 of "Prison Break" were great, season 3 was okay, but this season has just gotten messy. "House" has gotten formulaic. "Grey's Anatomy" is okay-written sometimes, but watching surgeons behave like high school kids no longer amuses me. "One Tree Hill" was a really bad habit of mine, but I missed the French premiere, and so I was discouraged to catch up on what I had missed. 

These days I am watching "Heroes", "Desperate Housewives" and "Dollhouse". I remain faithful to "Heroes" no matter what. My geeky side needs to express itself. "Desperate Housewives" is a family thing. My dad enjoys it so much, it's pretty funny. 

Some TV shows I started watching when they weren't on air anymore. They are otherwise known as the TV shows which helped me get through school. They are: "Daria", "Freaks and Geeks", "Veronica Mars", and "Opposite Sex". They are all THE SHIT. "Opposite Sex" is a really funny show that only lasted eight episodes, starring a young Milo Ventimiglia and a young Chris Evans.

I never really watched "Gilmore Girls" in its entirety. Weirdly enough, I gave up on it when Jess appeared, because he didn't appeal to me then. At that time, perfect boyfriend Dean worked for me. I then started watching again when Jess disappeared, but not because I liked Logan, just because. Then I found clips on YouTube, and you know the rest.

1 comment:

  1. I was impartial to Jess at the time, but I eventually liked him more than Dean. Logan is when I stopped watching all together.
    Personally, I do not watch a lot of shows, but Buffy and Angel were favorites back in the day. Aside from the one I currently star in, I'm really not into a lot of TV. Pushing Daisies is pretty cool, though.
