April 20, 2009

Femme Fatale

I believe Factory Girl was an overlooked movie. It is a biopic of Edie Sedgwick, one of Andy Warhol's muses. It stars Sienna Miller as Edie, and she is charming in the movie. (Although Sienna Miller, in real life, hooked up with a married man... gasp.) It also stars Guy Pearce as Andy Warhol. I loved him in Memento. (If you have never heard of this movie, watch it ASAP. It is one of my favourite movies and it was directed by Christopher Nolan, the director of The Dark Knight.) Andy Warhol, in this movie, is an asshole. I know this movie is a dramatization, but I believe Andy Warhol was also an asshole in real life. My opinion is pretty biased, though. It rests solely on this movie and on the book Please Kill Me: An Oral History of the Punk Movement. (This book was already mentioned in this blog once... Find out where! LOTS OF FUN PARENTHESES TONIGHT, WOOHOO.) Perhaps this is only going on in my own little crazy mind, but it seems to me that, in pop culture, one must take sides. One is more Letterman than Leno, or more "Heroes" than "Lost". And Factory Girl and Please Kill Me made me more Edie Sedgwick and Velvet Underground than Andy Warhol. This is stupid, because I know someone who likes both Andy Warhol and The Velvet Underground. And Please Kill Me also portrays Lou Reed as an asshole. ANYWAYS, watch Factory Girl. It is an interesting movie, filmed in a chaotic way. It is the story of how a girl rose quickly to fame only to be thrown off by her mentor. There, you got my two cents. Be warned, though: some critic called this movie "Edie Sedgwick for dummies". Oh well, I just try to do my best.


  1. qui aime les deux comme moéééé? :)
    mais en fait, je sais pas si j'aime andy warhol comme personne, mais son art et la philosophie derrière, ça oh ouiiiiiiiii
    donc c'est peut-être pas si étrange que ça ton truc, je vais p-ê haïr la personne en voyant le film mais continuer à porter l'artiste dans mon coeur :)

  2. c toi la personne qui aime les deux, qu'est-ce que tu penses :O
