April 08, 2009


What the hell is wrong with HMV?? It's Blitz! was out of stock at their store!!! I had to go buy it in a friggin' library... Oh well, it's not that important. What is important is I GOT MY HANDS ON THE NEW YEAH YEAH YEAHS CD :D

Some people hate reviews that focus on the songs individually rather than on the album as a whole, but those are the reviews I enjoy the most. That's how I deal with an album. All in all, what I can say is: there's some incredible music, right there. Karen O's vocals are as awesome as usual, on every single song. I love "Heads Will Roll" ("Off with your head!"), but every song is great in its own way. "Runaway" is kind of sad. Generally, I tend to find some songs really sad without any good reason. "Little Shadow" is a great closer.

The CD I got had a shitload of acoustic songs on it: "Soft Rock", "Skeletons", "Hysteric", as well as "Little Shadow". They are all gorgeous :D

The art inside the CD "box" is also very original. To know what it is, buy the album in a CD format :) A CD is a beautiful thing to possess...

1 comment:

  1. i STILL need to get that album!
    and yes, i purchase all of my CD's :)
