April 22, 2009

The Royal We

I got the new Silversun Pickups album, Swoon. It came out last week. I first heard their song "Lazy Eye" on Rock Band 2. (I know, shoot me.) I think that song is pretty catchy, and there seemed to be a lot of buzz around the new album, so I decided to check it out. Honestly, though, I don't really understand what the buzz is about. They seem pretty average to me. I often feel unqualified to write an album review because I don't know shit about music theory. Perhaps someone who does could help me understand Silversun Pickups. What baffles me the most about this group is that the vocalist is actually a man. He sounds like a tough girl to me.

Anyway, let's break it down: "There's No Secrets This Year" and "The Royal We", the first two songs, are catchy enough. What makes "Growing Old Is Getting Old" interesting is that it becomes very different midway through. "It's Nice To Know You Work Alone" is kind of a silly song. "Panic Switch" is a cool little song. "Draining" and "Catch & Release" are also cool, but are on the slower side. As for the rest of the album, I do not care enough yet to write anything about it...

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