February 12, 2015

La vallée des réputations

Sunday night, A and I went to the movies to see a Québécois movie that came out last Friday, L'amour au temps de la guerre civile. It was a dark, dark movie. In the first part, the main character, Alex, drives around a drug dealer. The whole thing seems mind-numbingly dull. After getting caught by the police, Alex ends up in some guy's apartment and spends his time watching porn and dealing with a crazy chick who is almost always high. He then reunites with a more serious lover but they waste time getting high and trying to get money for drugs. During the whole movie, it seems like the characters are completely unable to get out of their miserable life. Some scenes were confusing. There was a lot of mumbling and it was sometimes hard to know who was talking in the same-sex love scenes. The despair conveyed by the movie, added to the frequent confusion, made for a weird experience.

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