January 31, 2009

I'm pissed at the Oscars

Dissing the Oscars is a pop culture must.

What were they THINKING??? I'm sorry, Val, but I think Benjamin Button SUCKS. When I got out of the theater, I was indifferent to it, but the more I think about the movie, the more I think about how much it is wrong.

You know what's a good movie? THE DARK KNIGHT. The Dark Knight is too cool to get Academy Awards nominations, though.

And why nominate Kate Winslet for The Reader rather than for Revolutionary Road? Revolutionary Road was a much more important project for her. It's an adaptation from a book she loves, and she made the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and her husband, Sam Mendes. I don't care for Sam Mendes and his constant rants about suburban life, but I think it would have been nice for Kate Winslet to win HER FIRST BEST ACTRESS OSCAR (?!?) for that movie. I get emotional about famous people like that. But I truly like Kate Winslet a lot, and I just hope she doesn't lose to Anne Hathaway. Man, I can't stand that babyface. For me, she will forever be associated to The Princess Diaries.

One thing that's cool, though: In Bruges is nominated for best screenplay. In Bruges is one of those movies that reappear often in awards events, but I don't believe its presence is as marked at the Oscars than at the Golden Globes. In Bruges is a terrific movie!! The trailer didn't do much for me, but I'm glad I got to see it. It is incredibly funny. My favorite part is when Colin Farrell is on coke and stands in front of a dwarf and a prostitute and just goes: "Huh? You two are weird." I laughed at his expression for hours.


  1. i have yet to see Benjamin Button, but i've heard nothing but good things: life changing, incredible, phenomenal...
    till now.

  2. Riires!
    OK, je comprends ce que tu veux dire. Il parait que le livre est de loin meilleur, car il explique vraiment tout le déroulement de sa vie et la facon qu'il pense alors qu'il evolue ... a l'envers genre! C'est bcp plus profond, réfléchi et prenant. Il parait que lorsque le film nous decoit, on adore le bouquin.
    Ce qui m'a décu était que l'histoire d'amour prenne autant de place, car la seule chose qui m'a touché dans ce film est la partie où elle le tient dans ses bras quand il est enfant à la fin.
    Par contre, tu dois reconnaitre que les images sont superbes, que la facon de filmer est incroyable et que le concept de la vie qui recule trouvé par cet auteur est phénoménal! Ce n'est pas LE film que j'ai le plus aimé de ma vie. Mais j'ai apprécié de me laisser bercer par l'histoire.
    Pour terminer, je te conseille SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. J'ai a-d-o-r-é! C'est JP qui me l'avait conseillé. Et wooooooooowwww! Ca devrait t'enchanter.

  3. haha, ce n'est pas que je préfère le livre, le livre en fait est vraiment court et ne raconte pas grand-chose, je trouve. je vais t'expliquer ce que je n'ai pas aimé du film, et je me mettrai à l'expliquer en anglais, car ça ne se fait pas de critiquer un film sans dire pourquoi, et donc je vais dire pourquoi, et en anglais de surcroît, pour tous mes fidèles lecteurs.

    i do not watch a movie for the beauty of its scenes, i learned that about myself when i saw The New World, a five-star movie which was incredibly beautiful and incredibly silent for more than three hours. i watch a movie for the story and the actors. you are right when you say the love story took too much place. what bothers me even more is how benjamin button keeps yearning for daisy-the-most-incredible-bitch-of-all-times. AND i found brad pitt incredibly bad in this movie. i am not a snob who thinks that pretty boys cannot be good actors. i loved brad pitt in Fight Club. but he killed benjamin button for me.

    ouais, je devrais voir Slumdog Millionaire. mais je veux surtout voir Milk. Miiiiiiilk!!! avec james franco :D
