January 26, 2009

Good moments

I know I said I wouldn't write about my own life often, but I just got back from an amazing weekend with my fellow colleagues, and so I decided to reflect a bit on the great moments university has brought me.

- Circle of friendship at... frosh? (not sure which word to use here)
- Halloween... that was nice :)
-Getting drunk on wine with an underage Noémie at the Flashdance supper
-Dinner at Noémie's before hitting the end-of-term party
-Victory at the sports event our faculty organized
-Skiing with my friends and partying at night!

More to come, I'm sure! :)

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD CLAU, ce que l'évocation de ces gugusses font s'élever en moi TANT D'AMOUR POUR TA PERSONNE ET NOTRE PTITE CLIQUE AHAH

    n'oublions point les trivialités à l'intermed ou les pertes de temps intenses en classe (autrefois, avant nos résolutions...)
