June 04, 2009

Add It Up

I stumbled upon a partial list of summer releases on moviefone.com and it inspired me to write a list of the movies I would like to see in theaters this summer. I will probably get to see about only two of them, as I really don't go to the theater that often. These choices are mostly based on casting, but I will likely be influenced by the reviews that will be published when these movies actually come out. Surprisingly, there are two rom-coms and one romantic movie in this list, although I usually despise those particular movies. Anyway, here goes the list:

The Brothers Bloom - Adrien Brody and Rachel Weisz? Oh, yeah. My local anglo paper gave it a warm review, whereas my franco paper gave it 2 1/2 stars out of 5. However, I hate the particular critic who gave this rating, and so I am choosing to ignore her opinion.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - This is a no-brainer.

The Proposal - I used to love Sandra Bullock when I was young, and Two Weeks Notice is a great guilty pleasure. Also, Ryan Reynolds is kind of cute.

The Ugly Truth - OK, Katherine Heigl seems like a real bitch, but I loved her in "Roswell". And Gerard Butler isn't too shabby, either.

The Time Traveler's Wife - The book was OK. There is a high possibility this movie will suck, but... yay for Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana. (Just so we're clear, I hated The Notebook, but I liked McAdams in The Family Stone and in Mean Girls.)

Year One - Olivia Wilde? She's pretty to look at. Michael Cera? So. Cute. Jack Black? Hell yes!

Public Enemies - I don't like Johnny Depp so much but... Christian Bale!! He might be a jerk, but... it's Christian Bale!! I'm not so familiar with Michael Mann's work, but I watched Collateral, which he directed, and I liked it.

There's also a Sarah Michelle Gellar movie that looks pretty good and that is due in 2009, but there is no release date as of yet.

AND, I have yet to watch Star Trek! Urrgh!!!